Getting motivated to practise guitar Part 2

I don’t know what to practise…

I’m just not getting that new song…

My wrist and fingers hurt too much…

I’m never going to be able to play how I want anyways…

Part 1 of getting motivated to practise guitar saw a couple of ways we can start to get excited about practising guitar again.

Revisiting your WHY and also get listening to music!

Here are some more ways to get you motivated to practise guitar.

3. Getting Inspired

Along with listening to music there are lots of other ways you can find inspiration. It could be watching concerts musicians you really like or actually going to concerts physically depending on when lockdown eases.

It could be watching other musicians on YouTube that you really admire.

It could be finding a group of friends or teacher who really inspires you to get better as well.

Do you know how they say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with?

I find that it’s the same with music so if you can find other musicians that you really enjoy playing music with preferably those who are better than you you can get a lot of inspiration and give you opportunities try out lots of new things and get inspired practice. 

Do you want those people to be supportive of course and people who want you to get better too. 

Which is why finding a guitar teacher who have other students who want to play with you is a great place to start. They also tend to be in a learning environment and mindset, and want to improve as well I will be able to support you as you are learning and improving on the guitar.

4. Getting direction 

Not knowing what to practise on the guitar is one of the biggest hurdles that stop people from practising. 

On the other hand, having too many things to practise can also be overwhelming! 

That’s why having a guitar teacher who guides you will help you a lot in getting motivated to practise the guitar. 

Or perhaps even a simple course that just gives you more direction and less distractions can be helpful too. 

I hope these few things will help you get motivated and practising the guitar again if you have any questions and don’t be afraid to get in touch with us so that we can help you further.

Here’s more inspirational music for you: